This blog has been created so the people who call McDonald County, Missouri, their home, both now and in the past, can document, and share our County's rich history. Welcome Home!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Post a Comment Please!

Hey all you silent viewers! I have discovered a button on this blog that tells me how many folks look at it. We have had five viewers within two hours! WHOOO HOOOO! Now..... comment.?! We invite your input! This site is for you!


  1. I figured out how to check monthly stats and there were 318 viewers last month... not counting me! Way to go all! Now... if you'll just post back whe can make this blog pop!

  2. 318 views in your first month is impressive! You're communicating and this is so exciting.

    To everyone who's watching - it will really help the blog with search engine results and gaining new followers and support if you will click the "follow" button on the left near the bottom and start commenting when appropriate.

  3. What do you mean, it will help with search engines?

  4. The more followers, the more word of mouth (WOM) and the more "referrals" to the blog. The more WOM, the more visitors and clicks on key words, the higher the results in search engines - at least theoretically. Plus more people are more involved!

  5. I think everyone's afraid of posting! It's easy folks! According to our computer tech we all need to post to attract more folks to our site! I'm doing my part here.... Let's see if we can begin the domino effect!

  6. Okay, everyone... We are gaining followers! Excellent news. The Stats page shows that the most viewed pages here are the ones where comments are posted. PLEASE POST! All of our more timid viewers are watching. Let's make this blog more interactive!

  7. Hello McDonald County. Your courthouse project is so exciting that way up here in Warren - St Charles County, I found myself wishing I could come down and help! I'm hoping to pay a visit to your county sometime soon - I'm a Boone researcher, looking for my relatives who lived in the county back in the 1870's. I wish you the very best success with your very worthwhile restoration project.

  8. Thanks for posting a message Boonie! We'll look forward to meeting you soon too! Great to hear from you and we hope you enjoy our site!
