This blog has been created so the people who call McDonald County, Missouri, their home, both now and in the past, can document, and share our County's rich history. Welcome Home!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I talked with Jennifer this morning.  She is bringing soup and sandwiches to feed everyone on Saturday!  What a great way to work up an appetite.... Happy workday!  See you there.


  1. We have 8 confirmed workers planning to attend! How exciting is this! Wonder what treasures.... or critters.... we will uncover? Hope to see you in the morning. There will be 5 of us there between 8 and 8:30 so if you're excited and don't want to wait until 10:00 come on ahead!

  2. What a day! There were six of us to clean. We uncovered some good treasures! You'll have to post to learn what was found.

  3. Okay - I'm curious. What did you find? I'm so glad this project is underway!

  4. We found some BEAUTIFUL wood beams hidden under the false ceilings! This courthouse is looking better and better! What I would like to find is some old timers that can tell some stories!
