McDonald County Courthouse, Pineville, Missouri |
The McDonald County Historical Society board of directors voted unanimously to restore the County Courthouse to its appearance when the Jesse James movie was filmed here in 1938. The appearance will be replicated to the look in the late 1800s, which was why this courthouse and area was chosen for the filming of the Jesse James Movie. Restoration efforts began in January, 2011. The Society leased the courthouse from the County in December, 2010. The lease is automatically renewable every ten years.
Notice the plaster and lath in the entryway. The paneling was hiding this hole. |
Pulling off the paneling in the entryway. |
This rosey brick is on one of the original interior walls. Story is the brick was kilned just off the square in Pineville in 1870. Notice in this photograph the plaster. It appears to be clay as well. The clay was all dug locally. |